Spirited Giving LLC is a consulting company specializing in non-profit fundraising.

 Areas of expertise include: 

         • fundraising events 

                                                          • major gift stewardship and procurement

• planned giving

                                                                                  • overall fundraising strategy and detailed planning    

David Orth has been involved in relationship building, event planning,  and fundraising with the Iowa State University Alumni Association, the  United Way of Story County, Special Olympics Iowa, and Collegiate United  Methodist Church. First-hand local knowledge of the fundraising culture of Ames is a  special asset.

If you are interested in learning more about how Spirited Giving can  help your organization, e-mail me with your opportunity. I’ll gladly  provide an initial consultation at no charge, and with no obligation.

Contact Spirited Giving

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Spirited Giving

(515) 451-6033